Resolve External IP

by Vitaly, Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

URL to resolve IPv4 address:

Response (IPv4):

_jqjsp({"ip":"","type":"ipv4","subtype":"","via":"","asn":"yyyyy","asn_name":"Provider Name,US","asnlist":"yyyyy","padding":""})

Extract IPv4 regular expression:


URL to resolve IPv6 address:

Response (IPv6):


Extract IPv6 regular expression:


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IPv6 support for TCP Port Mapper

by Vitaly, Friday, June 26th, 2015

TCP Port Mapper 1.70 released.

Now IPv6 addresses can be used in all settings: ListenIP, MapToHost, MapArray, MapFromFile, MapFromUrl etc.

It is preferred to enter IPv6 addresses, enclosed in square brackets. That allows to extract the Port from the IPv6:Port.
Example of the IPv6 address: [2001:4860:4860::8888].

If the ListenIP setting is not specified (or ListenIP=ANY) you can set SrvIPv6=Yes.
That allows to force listening incoming IPv6 connections.

If the both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are exist for the destination host, TCP Port Mapper will use IPv4 address. To force using IPv6 address you can set: CntIPv6=Yes.

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IPv6 support for DNS Server

by Vitaly, Friday, June 12th, 2015

DNS Server 1.49 has been released.

  1. Added the ability to send requests to the IPv6 DNS servers. Now DNSHost, DNSHost2 and FromIP settings can contain IPv6 addresses (read Help for more info).
    Example (using Google IPv6 DNS):


  2. Added the ability to listen incoming DNS requests on IPv6. SrvIP and SrvIP2 settings can contain IPv6 addresses.
    If SrvIP is not specified or it contains Any value then you can force using IPv6 by specifying:


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