Opt-In List Manager 1.2.77

by Vitaly, Monday, May 16th, 2016

Opt-In List Manager 1.2.77 has been released.

What’s New

Extract And Clean->Clean Mail Lists: Capitalize First Letters.

This feature allows to capitalize the first letter of each word and lowercase the rest when words are separated by ” ” or “.” or “,” or any of those combined like “, ” “. ” etc.


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Opt-In List Manager 1.1.72

by Vitaly, Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

Opt-In List Manager 1.1.72 has been released.

What’s New

  1. Extract And Clean: “Reorder/Remove Fields” box allows up to 40 columns instead of 20.
  2. Filter/Keep Address, Join Lists and other tools allow up to 40 fields instead of 20.
  3. You can specify columns range using a ‘-‘ (example: 5-10).


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