1. New option: “Don’t output Columns that start with @”.
This option is useful for generate values that are used in several columns.
For example, if you want to generate the user name as a combination of the first name, last name, or initials, you can do that this way:
Now you can use wildcard characters in domain names, for example, an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?).
Also, you can specify multiple domains by separating them with semicolon (;).
New analysis feature called “Correlated Data”. It allows to keep or remove the records where data in one column or more specified columns partially or fully correlates to data in another column.
It is needed to find the records that correlate to column 1 (email) from column 2 (first name) or column 3 (last name). Consider them correlating if 3 characters in a row match. Meaning the same 3 characters or more (in the same order) are anywhere in the email address as contained in either the first name column or the last name column.
The software will take “Andrew” and split it into “and”,”ndr”,”dre”,”rew” and check for each of those in the email address. It will find a match with “dre” and therefore be a KEEP row.
If it were to not find “dre” and “rew” (it would find both) but pretend the email was khouz12345@yahoo.com instead.
Then the software would need to take “Smallhouse” and split it into “sma”, “mal”, “all”, “llh”, “lho”, “hou”, “ous”, “use” and check for those in the email address.
In the case of khouz12345@yahoo.com it would find “hou” and KEEP the record.
If both first and last name failed to find any correlation it would remove the record.