Opt-In List Manager 1.6.105

by Vitaly, Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Version 1.6.105 of the Opt-In List Manager has been released.

What’s New

Extract And Clean

  1. Clean Mail Lists: Remove empty fields (columns).
  2. Clean Mail Lists: Custom field (column) delimiters.
  3. Clean Mail Lists: The number of output columns. If the source row contains less than the specified number of columns, the list manager will add missing columns (blank). If the source row contains more than the specified number of columns, the list manager will cut extra columns.

Merge E-Mail Lists

  1. Keep Email Duplicates (remove full duplicates only).

Misc. Utilites

  1. Replace blanks with the specified text.
  2. Replace the matched regular expression pattern with the specified text.
  3. You can specify field (column) numbers to modify (add prefix, suffix or replace the text).
  4. Calculate SHA1, SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash values.

Opt-In List Manager 1.3.95

by Vitaly, Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Version 1.3.95 of the Opt-In List Manager has been released.

What’s New

Extracting emails from the various sources has been improved. Now it can extract emails from:

  • Archive files. Supported formats (file extensions): ZIP, JAR, EXE (self-extracted archives), TAR, GZ, TGZ, CAB, BZ2, TBZ.
  • XLSX files (Microsoft Excel Open XML Format Spreadsheet).
  • XLS files (Excel 97/2003).

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Correlated Data

by Vitaly, Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Opt-In List Manager 1.2.78 has been released.

What’s New

New analysis feature called “Correlated Data”. It allows to keep or remove the records where data in one column or more specified columns partially or fully correlates to data in another column.



It is needed to find the records that correlate to column 1 (email) from column 2 (first name) or column 3 (last name). Consider them correlating if 3 characters in a row match. Meaning the same 3 characters or more (in the same order) are anywhere in the email address as contained in either the first name column or the last name column.

The software will take “Andrew” and split it into “and”,”ndr”,”dre”,”rew” and check for each of those in the email address. It will find a match with “dre” and therefore be a KEEP row.

If it were to not find “dre” and “rew” (it would find both) but pretend the email was khouz12345@yahoo.com instead.
Then the software would need to take “Smallhouse” and split it into “sma”, “mal”, “all”, “llh”, “lho”, “hou”, “ous”, “use” and check for those in the email address.
In the case of khouz12345@yahoo.com it would find “hou” and KEEP the record.

If both first and last name failed to find any correlation it would remove the record.

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Opt-In List Manager 1.2.77

by Vitaly, Monday, May 16th, 2016

Opt-In List Manager 1.2.77 has been released.

What’s New

Extract And Clean->Clean Mail Lists: Capitalize First Letters.

This feature allows to capitalize the first letter of each word and lowercase the rest when words are separated by ” ” or “.” or “,” or any of those combined like “, ” “. ” etc.


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Opt-In List Manager 1.1.72

by Vitaly, Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

Opt-In List Manager 1.1.72 has been released.

What’s New

  1. Extract And Clean: “Reorder/Remove Fields” box allows up to 40 columns instead of 20.
  2. Filter/Keep Address, Join Lists and other tools allow up to 40 fields instead of 20.
  3. You can specify columns range using a ‘-‘ (example: 5-10).


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